Please answer this: I am having a difficult time understanding how evolution creates such things such as this Mantis Shrimp. I was a firm believer in evolution. I was. Growing up I was indoctrinated like anyone else. I was told this was right. And that is wrong. Then I began to think about things and question things. Neil deGrasse Tyson or any other scientists, theorists, etc. all say that its the result of “millions of years of evolution”. Even with millions of years and “tiny mutations over time of trial and error”, it still doesn’t stand to reason. I am grappling with how this “evolution” happens. I’ve seen a documentary (“What Plants Talk About”) that demonstrates when a Tobacco plant is attacked and eaten by a type of caterpillar, the plant then releases a chemical that attracts the predator of that particular bug. So the plant saves itself by calling for help. How is that possible? How does the plant know what type of bug is eating it? How does the plant even “sense” what chemicals bugs put off? It has no chemical receptors (a nose). It has no brain. It has no nervous system. And how does it keep up with the chemical changes in other bug species. How does it know that a particular bug eats another bug? And please don’t say “time” and “mutations” or “God”. Thank you.